Update 0.1 (MAJOR UPDATE)

Hello Everyone. I'm happy to say after an intensive bug sweep, the game is ready to play.

I hope with these changes, the game will feel much better for new players.

I do suggest to players to switch to the current version and start a new player, but you 

should be able to transfer save if you like, but it may cause unintended bugs, and glitches.

List of Changes-------------------------------------------------------------------------


Added - A Hardcore option to the game that enables permadeath. This mode is intented for 

advanced players seeking a challenge.

Added - A cut scene to the begining of the game.

Added - New a few new events acrossed different areas.

Added - 2 new player characters. Both are hidden events so please have fun searching for


Added - A new area, located near the Golyn Ranch. (I've thought about adding this area for

a little while now and finally decided to do so.)

Added - A script that will increase the minimum number of steps a player can take before


Added - Made it so that player characters heal after leveling up.

Added - A few new items that can be aquired through Alter, and one hidden item.

Added - A frame rate sync option to help optimize the game.

Changed - The damage of all attacks, and Damage over time status effect to be additive 

instead of multiplicitive. (This is for overall gameplay balance. It will reduce numbers

while allowing me to have better control over combat encounters.) 

Changed - Increaced the Health of Most player characters to increase their early game


Changed - Lowered Health of some enemies to reflect the changes to damage.

Changed - Lowered the damage of all enemies to reflect the changes to damage, and for

overall gameplay balance.

Changed - Food, and Potions healing numbers to make Potions the primary way of healing in

combat. Food will still be good, and have its own benefits but over reliance of food by 

players was evident. This changed will also encourage crafting higher tier food.

Changed - Lowered the number of early game overworld enemy encounters to ease new players 

into the game.

Changed - Dialogue with multiple npcs.

Changed - The Player's Guide book found in the tent early game can now be picked up and

added to the key items list. 

Changed - The Player's Guide book will now list all status effect that the player can be

inflicted on the player or enemies.

Changed - The Chimera's art was changed to reflect the overall overlook and feel of the game.

Changed - Lowered the amount of potions the player gets from outside the tent on Deadman's 


Changed - Increased the amount of food found inside the tent on Deadman's Beach.

Changed - The icons of a few items and weapons, to make them more unique.

Fix - An error that was causing the Abomination to not disappear after being defeated.

Fix - An error that was causing carrotoids to not disappear after being defeated.

Fix - Made sure all messages with multiple dialogue options were working properly.


Alter of Fate 0.1.rar 1.8 GB
Aug 30, 2024

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